Thursday 24 April 2014


Photos from blocking and choreographing during rehearsals - working out exactly where each person is; where each chair will be - who moves it, who moves the puppets..  

Projecting onto curtain instead of sheet? Higher up than the sheet... 

Experimenting with projection of shadow legs onto curtain instead of using our own legs for the leg section - 
works better

NEXT - go through each section in detail and ask - 
  • Ask what is the relationship between puppet/object/action?
  • Ask are there enough clues for the audience to help understand the metaphor?
  • Who are the puppets talking to? 
- Be more deliberate with how WE move around set - make everything obvious and move with purpose - don't be apologetic - walk through audience; be audacious! no backstage - no hiding! 

- Testimony: make it more clear that it is verbatim; we are telling their REAL stories that we have documented - subtle hints of documenting, recording etc - like typewriters; recorders, paper? 

-SLOW EVERYTHING DOWN and be more confident 

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