Monday 21 April 2014

Notes after first run through

  •  Who are we, what are we doing and why – our relationship between the puppets and objects – how we approach puppets and leave puppets – they could be telling us their stories and be aware of us, when we leave we are putting them to sleep – like carers. Movement in space – like we are at a factory – working – use of objects – mechanical

  • ·        Choreographically need more planning on who moves what chair and where each person is –needs a chair narrative; exits and entrances – more obvious to why there is one

  • ·         More lights on floor – ground lighting, more intimate

  • ·         Manipulation of puppets – puppets need to gradually become more and more angry, expressive and move more dynamically as the performance goes on – reflect their growing passion and enthusiasm of telling their stories – they want and NEED everyone to know what happened – it is important to them to get their voices heard

  • ·         Puppets manipulating us – works well when Layla Is being manipulated by the puppet during her memory – more of this needed – interesting contrast – manipulation occurring by puppets, by us manipulating them, us manipulating audience and memories manipulating everyone

  • ·         Legs scene – scraping our human legs appearing and now trying OHP shadows instead and sound of our voices dotted around set

  • ·         Sewing machines – more work needed; clearer choreography

  • ·         More use of wooden benches – shell shock scene; use back to benches – audience can see better when higher up

  • ·         Shadow puppetry sections – needs a the person telling the story to be visible or a puppet to be telling the story – more connection  

  • ·         Memories – more links between puppets telling their stories and what triggers these memories – different worlds need to link more – e.g. Gill holding a letter before letters are all thrown or Harry holding a handkerchief before they are all hung up

  • ·         Where audience is looking – how to tell the audience where to look; how to get them to focus on what we want them to focus on 

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