Saturday 12 April 2014

Development of shadow puppetry - Brothers in a shell hole

Sheet will appear after two people have repetitively been folding it, when then open it up, they freeze in time and the OHP and landscape will appear behind the sheet (audience on other side so won't see this - not until the OHP is turned on) the landscape will come into focus... two people manipulating the soldiers behind...

During rehearsals, we had to rearrange the landscape so that the story could flow better - for example, the man lying on the floor, we moved him away from the ladder, to further down. This made it more clear that the two brothers were climbing out of the trench and also we could use the lying down man later on as one of the soldiers who got down during the gun fire bit

Audience's view...

We also rehearsed the shadow puppetry for the Gangrene story and have incorporated the shadows to appear after the sheet section...the shadow wheel will appear on the sheet after it has fallen. The girl on top would still be spinning and sewing from previous scene onto the next. The spinning of the sewing machine would be in time with the spinning of the shadow wheel - reflecting the up and down, continuous and repetitive idea of the story. (he goes up the hill, gets shot, goes back down, then sent back up) round and round,... he keeps going....

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