Wednesday 26 February 2014

Shadow Puppetry first thoughts and designs...

We have chosen to do shadow puppetry for two of the stories - Cuthbert (gangrene story) and the shell hole story
This was due, not only to the fact that they are personal stories from people in our company, but because the stories are very different and individual. They also contain a larger narrative than the others which means we need to explore their story in a different way to how we have been with the others. 

The first story - I noticed this up and down the hill kind of theme. It made me think of how soldiers are just sent up to the front line, go back down home when injured and go back up after they are better. This circular motion; going round and round, really influenced how to do this shadow puppetry moment. 

 The second story about brothers in a shell hole, this style from the Portuguese 'Sombras Da Asia' book really influenced our designs of how the puppet would move. With sticks attached to the hands or legs to allow them to move..

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