Tuesday 4 February 2014

Joe Glenton

Joe Glenton is a journalist and author with a focus on defence, security and war. He is also a British Afghanistan veteran.
Joe served in Afghanistan, Africa and the UK. He was the first British soldier to refuse to serve in Afghanistan on legal and moral grounds. Threatened with years in prison, he challenged and beat charge of desertion, which was withdrawn by the military before trial to avoid a public examination of the War on Terror.
He talks about this 'British Identity' and 'Imperial identity' and our perceptions of the army - how there are 'powerful idealogical drivers' to make people want to join, such as:
- masculinity
- ideas of heroism
- serving the country/Queen

We have a very patriotic culture which persuades people to join..


First World War: ‘I refuse to murder and butcher people that know as little as we do for what end they are fighting’

Thousands of First World War appeals from men of military age arguing for exemption from conscription were released last week, writes Raymie Kiernan

Letter refusing Harry Ward, an international socialist, exemption from military service

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