Tuesday 19 November 2013

The elderly..

As many of puppets are elderly, we need to investigate into old people...

- Where will they be telling the story? At the park? In their house? At a care home? Indoors/outdoors? What scene?
- What are they doing? - drinking tea? playing cards? looking out the window? 
- What decor will be around them? 
- What furniture, if any? - will this be to scale?
- What habits, gestures and motions/movements are common within old people? 
- What props/possesions/things do they have with them? Glasses? Walking stick? Umbrella? Books? Handbag?

Looking around online at images of the elderly but I think it would be better to observe when I go out in town to see what old people do, or visit an old peoples home and see the things they do, and how they move - this is important as we will be manipulating an elderly puppet, we need to know how an elderly person moves. 

At the park? Feeding the birds, walking, sitting on a bench?

People caring/helping them move? Gives off the illusion that they are old and need help (fragility)

Looking out windows, being inside looking out onto the world and life - reminiscing; safe, protected (lonely?) 

Sitting on a bench together? The busy world going on around them whilst they sit still, resting and remembering.. (contrast)

Sitting at home in arm chairs, cup of tea? Warm side lamps? Picture frames? Carpet? (comfort)

They could all be at an old persons home having conversations and telling their stories? Means there could be carers (careers could be manipulators) 

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