Monday 25 November 2013

Extraordinary Personal Stories of WW1

BLOG: Europeana enables people to explore the digital resources of Europe's galleries, museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections.

''Untold and extraordinary real-life stories from World War 1 have come to light and will be shared online as a result of family history roadshows run by Europeana. ''
'' In preparation for the 100th anniversary of the conflict, WW1 roadshows have been held in Germany, England, Ireland, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Denmark. People are invited to bring along WW1 memorabilia to be seen by experts and digitised. The Europeana 1914-1918 website also shows people how to upload their own digital scans. ''
 ''...45,000 photos of objects, scanned letters and diaries have been uploaded onto the website...''
Markus Geilerpictures of his grandfather’s life-saving Bible, with the lump of shrapnel embedded in it from the grenade that killed his comrades while they slept



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