Friday 3 January 2014

World War One cigarette tins

From our transcription of episode 6 of 'The Last Voices of World War One' we put together from listening to the DVD, I have have tried to put together a conversation among the characters, for the script, about 'being captured'. One part, Jack mentions 'a little tin' of cigarettes.

Jack: I expected that bayonet to go straight into me, but it didn't. Strange enough when he got up to me, he stopped, and the thing he said to me was 'cigarette and kamerad(?)' I nearly dropped down in surprise. So I felt in my pocket where I kept a little tin of Readlyn made cigarettes. And he took some and put them in his pocket, and I put the tin back......and that was my birthday.....

I collected a few images of WW1 cigarette and tobacco tins and I feel we could experiment and explore using this object within the scene. Jack, whilst talking, could reach into his pocket and act out the scene using a real tin, maybe offer a cigarette to another character as well? 

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